Jamaica 2015 Mission Experience

Our mission was dedicated to helping orphans and eliminating the sex trafficking of youth by building a security wall to protect them. We provided the necessary support and resources to these vulnerable populations as means to create a safe environment for them to live, grow, and thrive.

Free Wheelchair Mission in Mexico 2015

In an effort to support people with limited mobility, our team paired with Free Wheelchair Mission and committed to assembling wheelchairs and delivering them to those in need. We worked with local health care and social service organizations to identify individuals in need and to ensure that each wheelchair was properly fitted. Free Wheelchair Mission strives to provide regular checkups and maintain the wheelchairs so that those in need can enjoy safe and comfortable mobility. In addition, our team provided educational resources on wheelchair use and proper maintenance to ensure that those in need had the knowledge and skills to make the most of their wheelchairs.

Jamaica 2017 Mission Experience