Great Reads

One of my most enjoyed hobbies is to read. When I find a great book, I feel it's always worth sharing. I will be commenting on some of my favorite books and starting my own, personal book club and invite you to join in! Check out the forum below! 

To purchase the book "The Disorder of Longing" click here.

My current read..."The Disorder of Longing" by Natasha Bauman. So far I'm loving it!

Review to come....

Check out Natasha Bauman along with her other reads at

by Brooke Shigley                   Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To purchase the book "Throwaway" click here.

Another fantastic novel written by Heather Huffman. "Throwaway" has proven author Heather Huffman will undoubtedly draw you in and make a Huffman Fan out of you! Once you've hit that last page, you'll desire the connection built between yourself and her characters. The only way to fill up on these books is to dive into her next novel! Impossible to put down, her writing presents a clear visual every time

Review to come....

by Brooke Shigley                     Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Check out Heather Huffman along with her other reads at

To purchase the book "Ties that Bind" click here.  

Check out Heather Huffman along with her other reads at 

My upmost favorite book is "Ties that Bind" written by the absolutely fantastic author, Heather Huffman.

Seriously people, if the idea of butterflies fluttering around your stomach and the pure enjoyment of feeling engulfed in a fairytale strikes your fancy... then this read's for you. Tell you what, this book has something to offer for everyone. There's a lil bit of everything wrapped up nicely in what I would consider a romantic comedy, which thankfully, was left open for a sequel...and one could only hope. The main character reminds me much of myself in the way she carries herself and the emotions she's experienced in life, good or bad. So, instantly I formed a connection and literally had a sense of giddiness and excitement every time I hit a new chapter in the book and the characters' lives.

Heather Huffman has a way of creating characters you will either love, hate, adore or envy. There is a ton of dry humor in this book and anyone who knows me, knows I love me some dry humor....I laughed so much reading this novel, people around me probably thought I was crazy....ummm, no comments please. ;)

This was definitely a "no put downer"... I literally wanted to live the life of Kate, a main character. And I know I was finding a certain male character quite charming and desirably sexy! So please, READ this book! Although it's available to read online, I firmly suggest adding this one to your bookshelf collection...I promise you won't be disappointed.  

by Brooke Shigley                     Saturday, March 19, 2011

To purchase the book "While My Sister Sleeps" click here.

So here is my current read...."While My Sister Sleeps" by Barbara Delinsky

This is a solid book with pretty interesting characters, although I'm not as connected with them right off...I do believe a connection is in the works! It's possible the plot started too quickly into the novel before I had a chance to really know the characters....or maybe I'd just handle things differently in certain situations. 

However, do not pass this book by...some of the new characters have sparked an interest and I'm betting they will strike a huge chord with me. It has been an easy read so far...I can say I'm quite enjoying it! 

by Brooke Shigley                 Saturday, March 19, 2011


After finishing this book, sadly I have to say I was glad when it was over. Wasn't my cup of tea. Although it wasn't until the end that I realized it was based on true events so it ended with a bit more meaning to it.

Check out Barbara Delinsky and other reads at

by Brooke Shigley                Wednesday, June 29, 2011

To purchase the book "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas" click here.

 It's hard to find a book that makes you feel so happy and so sad at the same time but "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas" written by talented, James Patterson, does just that.

Those who know me, know that I'm a bit of a sap. I have a complete soft spot for others' emotions and even cry watching a touching commercial.  So, this book downright consumed me and kept a firm grip on the heart strings. Its love story is so fantastically written, you'll truly feel compelled to smile. I passed this book down to my daughter who also loved it and shed a few tears.

Not only is this a fantastic love story(which seem to be my favorite reads) but there is a huge mystery behind it all. I don't want to tell you anything more but to read this book, you'll be mind baffled!

"The day after their breakup, Kate Wilkinson receives a parcel from
Matt Harrison, the man of her dreams, in the mail. Inside is a diary --- SUZANNE'S DIARY TO NICHOLAS. Who, Wilkinson wonders, is Nicholas? She quickly finds the answer to that question, and so much more. It is painful in places for her to read, for while she is jealous of Suzanne, she also, as the diary unfolds, comes to like her. What Wilkinson ultimately finds at the end of SUZANNE'S DIARY TO NICHOLAS will surprise the reader as much as it surprised her."

---  Joe Hartlaub

Check out James Patterson and other reads at

by Brooke Shigley                 Thursday, March 31, 2011